Swire Coca-Cola Interns
Maritza and Enrique are both interns with AZYF, and have served multiple roles within their communities.
Watch this video to hear more about their stories, and how AZYF if preparing them for their future careers!

Layan's Story
Layan has served as an intern at Gateway Community College for the past several months, fulfilling the role of a lab assistant. She is currently pursuing her studies at Arizona State University. This internship opportunity has proved highly advantageous for her, as it has facilitated her practical understanding of working in the medical field. Despite being new to this domain, Layan expressed that her time at Gateway Community College has been instrumental in her comprehensive learning experience. She quickly grasped the intricacies of the field and took pleasure in acquiring a deeper understanding of the radiology scanning process.
Curious? Learn more about AZYF Internships at Gateway Community College!

Vivian's Story
Vivian is currently a Youth Ambassador for AZYouthforce. She has just been offered the role of our Jr. Case Manager Position. She just wrapped up her 2nd School year at ASU majoring in Architecture. Vivian was awarded the Live Mas Scholarship with Taco Bell which gives her $25,000 that will go toward her education.

Estefani's Story
Estefani one of our lead interns at the FootPrint Center! Growing up in the Downtown Phoenix arena, the arena has always been a huge part of the city culture. She first learned about the internship through a TRIO monthly newsletter, and she was interested in the internship because it was for kids her age, and very flexible. She said, “It was a good start for me, to go into the real world.” Throughout her time at Footprint, she said she has improved her public speaking skills, and learned how to get over being shy and overwhelmed. She tells everyone that is looking to apply to “Go for it! And don’t overthink it.”
She is also a senior at Hope Christian Academy. She has a passion for cooking. She recently entered in a cooking competition and placed first in the competition winning herself $3,250. Not only did she win this competition but this year she has secured a job as a Sous Chef at a local restaurant.
Curious? Learn more about AZYF Internships at the Footprint Center with the Phoenix Suns

Pete's Story
Pete has been an intern at the Footprint Center for over a year now and is on his way to a promotion to be working with the Footprint Center directly. Pete was attending the Boys & Girls Club when he learned about the opportunities that the AZYouthforce offers. Since joining the team at Footprint Center, he's developed many skills like communication, and getting out of his comfort zone.
Curious? Learn more about AZYF Internships at the Footprint Center with the Phoenix Suns

Yael's Story
Yael stepped into his new role with confidence and excitement. He showed leadership in his training, both online and with his mentors. He has sought after career advice from his leaders and peers and shared his life goals. Yael accepts coaching from both his peers and leaders with the demonstrated desire to consistently execute great customer care. He has been a wonderful addition to our team and we are very proud of him. We look forward to his future career plan.
Curious? Learn more about AZYF Internships at Bank of America.

Parker's Story
Parker from Desert Edge High School just successfully completed our fall Jiffy Lube internship. He is a senior and after high school he plans to attend UTI in Avondale and complete one of their automotive programs. A few of the things he enjoyed during his internship were the ability to be hands on when working on customers cars and the feeling of being apart of a team. Pointing out that most of his coworkers are current UTI students he was eager to learn from them each shift to prepare for the future ahead. He learned that in the automotive field that each workers job is equally important so team work is key.
His advice to someone who is interested in the Jiffy Lube internship is to “take it as an opportunity to learn from the more experienced team members, they are in the positions they are in for a reason.”

Nate's Story
Nate A. has been a part of AZYouthforce since his junior year of high school. He first started as a Jiffy Lube intern and the next year he applied for the Footprint Center internship where he is now a lead intern!
The Footprint Center internship has been a perfect match for him because he loves to meet new people and help wherever he can. Nate plans on attending Phoenix College in the fall and is excited to continue his time at the Footprint Arena.
Curious? Learn more about AZYF Internships at the Footprint Center with the Phoenix Suns

Ashley's Story
Meet Ashley, one of our Bank of America interns! Ashley found out about this opportunity through her high school college and career center at Mesa High School. She saw the opportunity and went for it; it seemed like a perfect match because she had been wanting to work for a multinational investment bank. She said this internship “gave me the opportunity to get the work experience and get a feel for it.” Throughout her workday, she helps by directing clients, translating, or helping assist at the ATM. Starting in the fall, Ashley is studying Business Technology at Arizona State University!

Adan's Story
Adan is a 17-year-old Junior in high school and is currently completing an Internship at Jiffy Lube. Adan has faced a lot of challenges, such as having to quit school when he was 12 and working as a mechanic in Honduras to help his family survive. He was separated from his aunt at the Mexico/US border and spent the next several months in shelters before he came to Arizona and was placed in foster care. He had moved to 3 different foster homes and finally landed at his permanent home where he will stay until he's ready to become independent.
Adan’s foster parent stated, “When he came to our house, he was lacking direction and confidence. I saw a major shift in him during the three-week training program for Arizona Boys & Girls Club where he learned customer service skills and what a ten-year life plan looked like” adding, “I watched him refocus his mind on his future instead of just gliding through school!”
Adan has been outstanding, always respectful, committed, and always with a smile on his face. Adan was offered permanent employment at the Jiffy Lube where he currently Inters, he accepted the position and will become permanent upon completing his Internship. Adan’s manager stated, “Adan is amazing!!! He is excelling in all positions of the job. He is hard-working and always finding something to do. He is great with communicating his struggles!”
We wish Adan an abundance of success in his future!